Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What makes eresource ERP different?

eresource offers web-based Enterprise Resource Planning software for all major industries including Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Construction, and Modular Kitchen etc. Our ERP system is available on a filtered modules basis, so that you only purchase and maintain what you really need. We have categorized it in three phases starting eresource ERP Light, eresource ERP Pro and eresource ERP Enterprise. All these categories are developed with taking into consideration of all needs of the users.

eresource ERP manufacturing modules help manage and monitor work in process on the factory floor. We provide a comprehensive collection of plant maintenance modules which takes care of all plant maintenance with utmost efficiency.

eresource ERP system software is designed to improve productivity and operational excellence. Organizations that implement eresource ERP software could benefit from checking the cycle-time, which is the total time to produce an order, as an important key performance indicator.

By implementing eresource ERP system, organizations could also enjoy the benefits of Greater visibility and control; Reduced lead time; Reduced manufacturing costs: Increased production; Reduced work in process; Reduced inventory; Improved product quality ; Reduced defects and scrap; Reduced cycle time; Improved tractability and Reduced paper work, data entry, manpower.

What is unique about web-enabled eresource ERP system is that it addresses the integration of business process that extends across the enterprise and its trading partners. Our ERP system forms the basis of Internet enabled eBusiness and collaborative commerce.

Prime advantage of web-enabled eresource ERP is to give customers and partners access to scheduling, delivery, inventory, manufacturing, invoicing and planning information. Over the last few years, solutions like CRM and SCM have leveraged the Internet to support these processes. eresource ERP system incorporates them all in a single package. To compete with challenging business world companies needs to be open in its business approach and must reach out to its collaborative partners. Our ERP system will enable businesses to compete by providing information on-line and adding real value to businesses of all types and sizes.

To be success in business companies need information to be more readily accessible. They must also have the real-time access to their business information to manage timely decision making without having to get out of their seats. eresource ERP system helps the decision makers to manage the business with a click of their mouse's button. Top management personnel could monitor key business information real-time and that could help track the health of their business.

Having said about the eresource ERP advantages and its benefits, the actual result will be visible only if the ERP solution has been implemented and operated in a successful manner. The entire organization and its operational methods should bring under ERP system by delivering consistent, measurable processes and up-to-the-second information that supports profitable decision-making. eresource could boost the power of ERP by offering 24x7 accesses to business information and business intelligence irrespective of the geographical location of the user, enabling him or her to make timely decisions.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. 
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775 
e -mail(Sales): (

For Inquiry Please check this link :

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

eresource Xcel ERP helps manufacturing industry overcome business challenges

Normally what makes ERP implementation more complex is its budget and schedule slippage. A survey conducted shows almost 50 per cent ERP projects that have implemented during the last few years had run over budget and deadline. Therefore, misappropriate schedule or delayed implementation can result in over-budgeting.
Therefore, being late and over budget, a common aspect of ERP implementations can be avoided with a well-designed prior planning and common sense. An ERP implementation must planned intelligently because an ERP is not just a technical initiative. The project is also a financial, structural, strategic, process and have people-centric implications within an organization. When the plan to implement an ERP system in an organization, a matter also to be considered is how much major changes will be taken affect in the organization with the implementation process. Therefore it is imperative to select a right ERP system which will make the whole business process easy and quick with a foolproof operating process. Successful adoption of the new system will only be assured once employees are able to use the system proficiently. Only professional training can guarantee that. This is where the role of eresource Xcel ERP, an exclusive ERP system for Manufacturing Industry comes into picture.
Sometime organizations are tempted go for a big hit with implementing high-cost big players in the ERP market. Practically speaking, it is a common mistake to buy a large-scale ERP product because its name makes you feel 'safe' and then try to make it fit your requirements. It is important to have a better analyze of your requirements before deciding your final choice.
As far as manufacturing firms are concerned they need to address several key strategic issues if they want to successfully compete in this dynamically changing business environment. Global competitive pressures putting a strong pressure on manufacturers to reduce product cost and at the same time exerts pressure to significantly improve product quality and all other aspects of customer services.
Overall, presently when every business process operations are transforming into digitalization, only manufacturing industry can't remain a mute spectator to this changing scenario. For the last one decade, eresource is serving manufacturing industry achieve tremendous growth in their business process with an efficient ERP system. However, introduction of an eresource Xcel, an exclusive ERP system for manufacturing industry has its own reasons.
In today's changing business environment, focusing on ERP as a tool to improve operations will no longer suffice. It is here that eresource Xcel comes to help with redefining the digital backbone of manufacturing organizations who are keen to innovate and succeed in an volatile, uncertain and complex market. eresource Xcel ERP helps you achieve this and propel your company far beyond the competition, without burning a hole in your pocket.
eresource Xcel ERP enables you to get a 360-degree view of your business, anytime, from anywhere by putting all your business functions on to one single platform and automating and integrating them, end-to-end. With this unified view of business, you can drive innovation across the value chain, improve efficiency, and reduce costs and time to market. What's more, the entire system is accessible over the Internet, which gives you the freedom to access information from any part of the globe at the click of a browser button, whether from a laptop, or desktop or mobile phone.
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Innovation is a never-ending process with eresource ERP

eresource with its new innovations and industry-specific exclusive ERP system for every industrial verticals getting wide acceptance in the ERP market. Our Cloud ERP products are leading the way in providing a better user experience In terms of implementation and customization, As the mobile technology is being the buzzword, eresource is concentrating and deploying application that will easily compatible with various mobile operating system.
eresource on the path of providing powerful and easy-to-use mobile interface for its ERP application. Our efforts are to bring our ERP application to a fully mobile devices compatible which will allow users to complete actions using a mobile device.
For the mobile device usage, there is a strong need of improvement of the ERP user interface. Increased productivity and better user engagement are the main benefits for using a ERP application effectively. Reducing the processing time to minutes or seconds can bring lot of benefits to the business process. For service and support departments, that productivity improvement provides excellent benefits.
Fact is being that, there are still some organizations those are running on its legacy applications and are not interested in changing them immediately. it is essential for these organizations to begin by asking what their users want rather than forcing them to work on with the their old legacy system.
When you think of improving the ERP system or replacing the legacy system, there are many options available. Though the exercise may not be much easier, it is not difficult. Mapping out the current practice and steps staff use to accomplish work is an excellent starting point. With this process, companies can gather together software experts and the end users. The next step is to have the end users complete ten or twenty work tasks and narrate what they are doing. By understanding the workflow experience, IT managers and developers can identify ways to build a better ERP. Improvements may take the form of improved forms, eliminating steps or providing better integration with other departments.
A normal scenario in the ERP market is that many companies that are planning to implement or upgrade an ERP system is not guided properly. Not knowing which ERP system to choose, they end up selecting the wrong one which not only turns out be useless but also lot of money going into the doldrums.
eresource helps its customers with a thorough evaluation and selection process to identify the ERP modules that would best enable their future business requirements and corporate growth objectives. Eresource gather primary data to measure our whole system in general and modules in particular against your unique business and technical needs. We also identify the total cost of ownership to identify the right price for our customers. The result helps our customers to make a clear capital budgeting decision.
For more information check this link :

What are the reasons for ERP system failure?

What are the reasons for ERP system failure?
ERP solutions are designed for a large audience of companies looking to achieve success by following a template of best business practices. However, the system often fails to achieve its promise because people who are supposed to be the main users of the systems reluctant to change their attitudes.

This leads to costly program modifications to replicate those processes. This, in turn, can result in unnecessary manual tasks and issues of software maintenance, which neutralize the original benefits of the software.

When making an ERP software selection, examine the processes encoded in the software. If you can agree to model your company's best practices based on those processes, you're choosing the right solution. If you can't, continue looking.

Once the ERP system is chosen, it's not uncommon for management to turn the project over to a subordinate to manage the implementation. The problem is that the subordinate, who is usually chosen from the end-user base or IT department, typically isn't given the authority to implement necessary business process changes.

Project management is a discipline, which requires the ability to delve into detail while keeping a perspective on the original business objectives. The project manager needs to have the ability to overcome impasses through a judicious combination of political guile and management direction.

The most successful ERP projects are led by a member of the management team who has actively participated in both the software selection and implementation efforts. When selecting your project manager, choose the one who has the most to gain from the ERP system.

Middle East
UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775
e -mail(Sales): (

For Inquiry Please check this link :

What is ERP Implementation Life Cycle?

What is ERP Implementation Life Cycle? 

THE process of ERP implementation is referred as d as "ERP Implementation Life Cycle". The following are the steps involved in completing the life cycle.

Shortlist on the basis of observation
Assessing the chosen packages
Preparing for the venture
Gap Analysis
Business process reengineering
Designing the System
In-house Guidance
Preparing the employees to use ERP
Post Implementation process
Rectifying errors in ERP implementation

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775
e -mail(Sales): (

For Inquiry Please check this link : 

What is data mining?

What is data mining?

Powerful systems for collecting data and managing it in large databases are already in place in most large and medium-scale companies. However, the bottleneck of turning this data into your success is the difficulty of extracting knowledge about the system that you study from the collected data.

Below are all the questions that can probably be answered if information hidden among megabytes of data in your database can be found explicitly and utilized.

What goods should be promoted to this customer?
What is the probability that a certain customer will respond to a planned promotion?
Can one predict the most profitable securities to buy/sell during the next trading session?
Will this customer default on a loan or payback on schedule?
What medical diagnosis should be assigned to a particular patient?
How large are the peak loads of a telephone or energy network going to be?
Why does the facility suddenly start to produce defective goods?

Modeling the investigated system and discovering relations that connect variables in a database are the subjects of data mining.

Modern data mining system self learn from the previous history of the investigated system, formulating and testing hypotheses about the rules, which this system obeys. When concise and valuable knowledge about the system of interest had been discovered, it can and should be incorporated into some decision support system, which helps the manager to make wise and informed business decisions.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775
e -mail(Sales): (
For Inquiry Please check this link :

What is Difference Between E-commerce and E-Business?

What is Difference Between E-commerce and E-Business?

E-commerce is buying and selling using an electronic medium. It is accepting credit and payments over the net, doing banking transactions using the Internet, selling commodities or information using the World Wide Web and so on.

E-Business in addition to encompassing E-commerce includes both front and back-office applications that form the engine for modern E-commerce. E-business is not just about E-commerce transactions; it's about re-defining old business models, with the aid of technology to maximize customer value. E-Business is the overall strategy and E-commerce is an extremely important facet of E-Business.

Thus e-business involves not merely setting up the company website and being able to accept credit card payments or being able to sell products or services on time. It involves fundamental re-structuring and streamlining of the business using technology by implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, supply chain management, customer relationship management, data ware housing, data marts, data mining, etc.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,

Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775

e -mail(Sales): (

For Inquiry Please check this link :

How important is ERP training and education?

How important is ERP training and education?

All users of the ERP system should be trained properly in using the system to its fullest. Different groups of people in the company will have different training needs. Managers need more focus on the decision-making and analysis features of the system while the clerical staff need more focus on how to perform their jobs. But all the users must be trained in the ERP basics, overview of the system and its working, how an action by an employee triggers a host of events throughout the organization, how automation will help, what processes are changed and so on.

Educate everyone so that they understand what is going to be achieved with the new system. Additional education should include total quality management and change management strategies. Also the training sessions should be used to gain acceptance for the ERP system by dispelling the myths about ERP. When the employees do not understand what the new system is and what is supposed to do and how to operate it, they will not use it or use it incorrectly. This can lead to failure of the system. Best option is to train department managers in how to use the system and have them train the users.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
MaharashtraTel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775
e -mail(Sales): (

For Inquiry Please check this link :

What is the difference between ERP and WMS?

What is the difference between ERP and WMS?

It is important to understand the difference between Warehouse Management System (WMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

Though many of today's ERP systems have tightly integrated WMS systems, the earlier version ERP systems had a limited participation for WMS. This may be the reason why many companies installed a WMS software separately to manage their warehouse activities.

An advanced system takes into account the data of the product, status, lot, dates, dimensions, location, area, region, owner and inventory details. For this function, WMS determines which would be the best location to store the recently received product. Some of the ERP package is not supported to determine the proper location. The selection of an ERP system with all these functions must be evaluated thoroughly before implementing it.

An effective ERP package gives the possibility to assign tasks automatically to the staff using rules and parameters previously defined. An intelligently integrated WMS module in an ERP system can give directions to the workers in an organized way.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
MaharashtraTel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775
e -mail(Sales): (

For Inquiry Please check this link :

How does the detailed data about production and quality inspections get into the ERP system?

How does the detailed data about production and quality inspections get into the ERP system?

As far as a manufacturing organization is concerned, these are the most important factors affecting profitability and success. If this data could be captured and validated as the activities are happening, everyone in the organization will have accurate, timely information for decision-making.

eresource ERP enables a single, logical portal to capture and validate this information as it is happening on the production floor. When using the web=based ERP system eresource, data will be captured and validated in real time, summarized and instantly available to decision makers throughout the organization, wherever they may be and whatever role they may play.

Today's manufacturing solutions should enable shop floor workers to be knowledge workers. They should have a system that is capable of doing everything needed at his fingertips to set up the work center quickly and accurately and to make, count and measure parts or assemblies. Drawings, setup instructions, material requirements, customer alerts, inspection specifications and more should be available in electronic form on the shop floor. Alerts can be triggered immediately if a dimension or operating parameter is out of specification. Also when operators makes errors it could be identified on the spot and corrective actions can be taken immediately.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
MaharashtraTel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775
e -mail(Sales): (

For Inquiry Please check this link :

What is the difference between Cloud ERP and SaaS (software-as-a-service) model?

What is the difference between Cloud ERP and SaaS (software-as-a-service) model?

A Cloud ERP system means traditional ERP solutions hosted off-site. It is also flexible and scalable. The system has the capability to access real-time data from anywhere without using complicated and costly remote-access software.

On the other hand SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model offerings are typically smaller. This is normally best for organizations with limited complexity, size and global presence. ERP system providers host SaaS model on their own infrastructures instead of locating the systems on-premise at the purchasing organization.

In SaaS model, the vendor will have the full control of the application and not the customer wheere as in Cloud ERP system your data and your application can be placed on server that you control. Both these models provide instant gratification, taking mere minutes to be up and running.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
MaharashtraTel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775 
e -mail(Sales): (

For Inquiry Please check this link :

How can we keep our ERP database protected at all times?

How can we keep our ERP database protected at all times?

With advanced administration techniques and redundant server set-ups, you can ensure that your ERP database is available and readily accessible at all times. By monitoring performance around-the-clock, system administrators can immediately identify and troubleshoot problems, to prevent productivity slow-downs caused by down time. Additionally, mirroring your ERP database using redundant servers can provide a much-needed backup that can be utilized in the event of a major system failure.

Security measures

There are many steps that can be taken to improve the security and protection of your ERP database. For example, role-based IDs and passwords will ensure that users can access only the data they are authorized to view, based on their job function or position within the company. By making users change their passwords on a regular basis, you can add an additional layer of security. And, data encryption, firewalls, and other measures can help you keep hackers, cyber-criminals, and other outsiders far away from your ERP database.

Disaster recovery

Without a solid, well-designed back-up plan in place, natural disasters such as flood and fire can bring permanent loss of the mission-critical information contained in your ERP database. We always advice our customers to have a mirror-server located in a different location to avoid such a drastic situation.

Apart from this, ERP database should be backed up at least once a week, although daily back ups are recommended and offer the most protection, to an off-site location. ERP systems such as eresource ERP is also equipped with auto recovery system.

So, the most important thing to remember when putting measures in place to protect your ERP environment is to not only safeguard the ERP database and related systems, but to secure all other systems that share information with it.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
MaharashtraTel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775e-mail
(Sales): (

How can we keep our ERP database protected at all times?

How can we keep our ERP database protected at all times?

With advanced administration techniques and redundant server set-ups, you can ensure that your ERP database is available and readily accessible at all times. By monitoring performance around-the-clock, system administrators can immediately identify and troubleshoot problems, to prevent productivity slow-downs caused by down time. Additionally, mirroring your ERP database using redundant servers can provide a much-needed backup that can be utilized in the event of a major system failure.

Security measures

There are many steps that can be taken to improve the security and protection of your ERP database. For example, role-based IDs and passwords will ensure that users can access only the data they are authorized to view, based on their job function or position within the company. By making users change their passwords on a regular basis, you can add an additional layer of security. And, data encryption, firewalls, and other measures can help you keep hackers, cyber-criminals, and other outsiders far away from your ERP database.

Disaster recovery

Without a solid, well-designed back-up plan in place, natural disasters such as flood and fire can bring permanent loss of the mission-critical information contained in your ERP database. We always advice our customers to have a mirror-server located in a different location to avoid such a drastic situation.

Apart from this, ERP database should be backed up at least once a week, although daily back ups are recommended and offer the most protection, to an off-site location. ERP systems such as eresource ERP is also equipped with auto recovery system.

So, the most important thing to remember when putting measures in place to protect your ERP environment is to not only safeguard the ERP database and related systems, but to secure all other systems that share information with it.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,

MaharashtraTel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775e-mail

(Sales): (

Eresource's ERP on Demand

Eresource's ERP on Demand

eresource Infotech now offers Enterprise Planning Solution (ERP) as a subscription service. Our
'ERP on Demand' is a web-based application that is available
 on a subscription basis over the Internet as a service.
eresource's 'ERP on Demand' is intend to increase the affordability of ERP solutions to enterprises
by eliminating upfront capital expenditure also eliminating the need of in-house IT resources and additional infrastructure. Customers will have to pay
ONLY on a per module per month basis only.
eresource's On Demand ERP is regularly updated with new versions and made available to all clients.

eresource's "On demand" ERP has all the functionalities available as in the traditional on-site model deployment.
Customer can now opt to subscribe to the specific functionalities (modules)
that they need at the moment and expand the subscription to other functionalities (modules) when they required it.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
MaharashtraTel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775e-mail
(Sales): (

Monday, June 13, 2016

What is Supply Chain Management (SCM) software?

What is Supply Chain Management (SCM) software?   

Supply Chain Management (SCM) software is designed to enhance communication, collaboration, and coordination with vendors and suppliers, transportation and shipping companies, intermediaries, and other partners by enabling faster bi-directional information sharing.

With a supply chain management software in place, a business can manage its entire network more effectively by overseeing all activities across all suppliers, production plants, and storage and distribution facilities.

It becomes easy to streamline and centralize their distribution strategy, and eliminate the logistical errors and lack of coordination that can lead to delays.

SCM increases visibility and enhance collaboration across the entire supply chain by sharing valuable information such as demand trend reports, forecasts, inventory levels, and transportation plans with suppliers and other partners.

It can also minimize storage costs and improve cash flow by better managing inventory levels and it also helps improve logistics tracking, corrects break-downs, inefficiencies, or problems in the supply chain before they become unmanageable.

Web site :
Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):
What is Supply Chain Management (SCM) software?

Why some people think ROI on ERP is low?

Why some people think ROI on ERP is low?
The root cause of this problem lies with the planners. Positive thinking and determination to act on reality is what help ERP solution yield a desired profit and good return on investment. Even though the promise of what an ERP can do is high, the planners often fail to look at how the users are likely to view this "improvement."

ERPs take away the old way of working and people are not ready to give away the old system even though they understand it is not bringing the desired result. When they are asked to give up what they know and what they used to, you often get resistance to using a new software system.

ERPs also threaten the fragile balance of power and control. The old system allows departments and some individuals to control the type of information that gets out - and control the way data gets disseminated. The new system keeps check on all that and a proper working environment has been created in the organization.

If any organization spending millions on an ERP solution with no success, then they must understand that the technical problems they faced were minor compared to the human reactions against these changes.

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

What is the ROI potential for eresource ERP system?

What is the ROI potential for eresource ERP system?

If your business is suffering due to customer complaints about poor service or finding difficulty in expanding the business due to your outdated information system it is time you must go for implementation of eresource ERP.

eresource ERP system will help deliver solid customer satisfaction by automating clerical tasks, improving on-time shipments, reducing inventory and providing information to make quick decisions.

eresource ERP offers the functionality, technology platform and implementation expertise to help you realize the full benefits of an ERP solution.

What is more exciting about eresource ERP is, it not only addresses all your day to day business challenges, you will also get a healthy return on your investment quickly and faster than you probably thought. eresource ERP can yield higher net profits by:

Streamlining your supply chain
Improving customer relationship
Reducing operational cost
Allowing real-time access to information
Providing foundation to growth

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

What does the term 'Best Practice' mean in ERP context?

What does the term 'Best Practice' mean in ERP context?

The best practice in ERP can be defined as the utilization of fundamental set-ups to the maximum possible to produce the desired performance in terms of 'customer focus, zero waste of all the resources and value creation'. Tangibly, it leads to increase in quality and service, and reduction of cost and response time.

ERP enjoys having a strong skeleton based on these best practices. All the workflows in ERP are so thoughtfully maintained that it ensures that the user automatically follows the best practice. It won't allow the user to bypass or modify the predetermined course of action that may create 'non-value added activity

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

What are the tangible and intangible benefits of ERP system?

What are the tangible and intangible benefits of ERP system?

Tangible benefits are those measured in monetary terms and intangible benefits cannot be measured in monetary terms but they do have a very significant business impact.

Tangible benefits:

Improves the productivity of process and personnel
Lowering the cost of products and services purchased
Paper and postage cost reductions
Inventory reduction
Lead time reduction
Reduced stock obsolescence
Faster product / service look-up and ordering saving time and money
Automated ordering and payment, lowering payment processing and paper costs

Intangible benefits:
Increases organizational transparency and responsibility
Accurate and faster access to data for timely decisions
Can reach more vendors, producing more competitive bids ;
Improved customer response
Saves enormous time and effort in data entry ;
More controls thereby lowering the risk of mis-utilization of resources
Facilitates strategic planning
Uniform reporting according to global standards

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Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
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How accurate are sales forecasts?

How accurate are sales forecasts?

ONE should understand that the sales forecast is not exact but should be as accurate as one could reasonably expect for the business he/she is in and that, through measurement and correction of errors, the sales forecast accuracy is improving on a product by product basis.

It is mainly the job of planning, purchasing and production departments to be able to meet the sales forecast given this expected level of accuracy. However, it is not necessary to have an accurate forecast to plan and control your business; you do need everyone to work to an agreed forecast that is updated regularly with any significant changes.

Forecast accuracy also will depend on the historical business background you are in. If you are in a mature and stable business you should expect a reasonably accurate forecast. If the business is new and growing, the forecast will be less accurate. In either case the way to determine what your forecast accuracy should be is to start with the accuracy you have achieved in the past. This is the minimum starting point for forecast accuracy. If you do not have a formal forecasting process at the moment, you should start now.

Forecast accuracy should be measured in units of production not value unless there is no sensible unit of production (a company selling a service for instance). An important reason to measure forecast accuracy is to be better able to plan the future supply chain and value adds in factors such as selling price and even exchange rates into the forecast accuracy which do not affect the supply chain. Average selling price and exchange rate should be forecast as a separate exercise for financial planning.

Once you are measuring sales forecast accuracy, the next stage is to improve it. This is achieved by investigating any forecast errors outside the historical accuracy of the forecast.

Finally, the sales plan should be the date and quantity of shipments you expect your customer may require. If your customer requests products in line with the plan, but you are unable to ship that product, it is still a hit as far as plan accuracy is concerned. On the other hand, if your customer requests shipments on a different date from the plan it is a miss even if you could have shipped it according to the forecast plan.
Web site :

Middle East

eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

What is the reason for ERP market growth in India?

What is the reason for ERP market growth in India?

ERP market in India steadily growing for the last few years and the main reason for this enormous growth can be attributed to the inability of order system to manage the conversion to year 2000. There are also other factors such as industry best practices, easy and faster implementation and good cost predictions.

Another factor behind the growth is that already existing clients acquire more licences and modules. The number of employees using the ERP system is increasing and the ERP clients who have started with the basic modules are going for subsequent applications. There is also a trend to replace customized system with standard application packages, like an ERP system.

India is expected to present ERP suppliers an important marketplace as manufacturing companies are significantly investing in technology solutions to improve their manufacturing operations.

According to observation made by some experts in the field, the ERP market started showing solid organic growth since 2004 as IT spending improved.

The Indian ERP market experienced CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) of 25.2 during the period of 2004-2009. The market was $83 million in 2004, and is projected to be over $250 million in 2009, according to a research report.

The report further clarifies that manufacturers in India are increasingly implementing ERP solutions to ensure that decision makers have the required information visibility across the value chain.

Majority of Indian manufacturers are small by global standards, requiring easy-to-use ERP solutions to meet their specific process requirements, including localisation needs to address the continually evolving tax and statutory requirements. Small and medium enterprises across industry verticals and micro verticals, such as automotive, pharmaceuticals, and textiles, are leveraging ERP solutions to gain sustainable competitive advantages.

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

Is the 'flexible' attitude of users hampering ERP success in India?

Is the 'flexible' attitude of users hampering ERP success in India?

Success of ERP performance is directly proportional to the adherence to standard operating procedures. However, we find that very common complaint against ERP is its rigid structure and disciplined standard operating procedures. Often there are ridiculous demands and expectations from users, which are conflicting with standard operating procedures. Hence ERP is either blamed or made to fail. When the user says he wants flexibility in ERP, actually he wants the official allowance to deviate from standards set for value generation. The repercussions of such flexibility are tremendous, including the loss of value.

For example, here goes a typical style of customer negotiations. The sales people of a manufacturing company arbitrarily fixed unit price and raised sales orders against customers. After physical material dispatches, suddenly the customer started negotiating with sales and the rates were changed. The sales person then wanted to pass these entries in ERP. No good system will support such incongruous requirements. Here, the user wants flexibility in addressing these issues from ERP and also expected that everything should happen automatically. To settle and account for such changes, one has to pass a number of reverse entries in ERP.

Unfortunately, some consulting companies charge extra from clients for automating such absurd provisions. The same thing happened with the above company also and they landed up with 'auto reverse entry module' supporting the existing system. More ironically, this feature of ERP soon became so popular that the company asked a similar module for purchase transactions. The ultimate chaos is always observed in finance and costing modules where multiple figures of profits, inventory values, sales income, taxes, etc. linked to the same transaction are found. Nobody could really gather any meaningful information from such sets of data over a period of time. At the end the user gets flexibility and the organization gets punishment.

There are also some cases where flexibility going to the extent of unethical business practices and in such cases illegal transactions can also be carried out.

Here is one peculiar requirement that once observed from a user. He asked for various options of selecting report sizes (A3 or A4) to use with different printers for printing the same reports. ERP was expected to be flexible enough to accommodate multiple report sizes based on printer selection. The same user never used in his earlier tenure any computerized output and did not even know how to load paper into printer.

The major flexibility expected by Indian ERP users can be summarized as "I want to do transactions any way, later on it should get corrected." Hence we find demand of provisional entries, temporary databases, notional requirements, etc. The fundamental principle of ERP is doing right things right at first time is not understood and deviations are expected to be regularized. We find many of such cases, ultimately making ERP as unused ornament lying in the bank locker.

Web site :

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

Is the 'flexible' attitude of users hampering ERP success in India?

Is the 'flexible' attitude of users hampering ERP success in India?  

Success of ERP performance is directly proportional to the adherence to standard operating procedures. However, we find that very common complaint against ERP is its rigid structure and disciplined standard operating procedures. Often there are ridiculous demands and expectations from users, which are conflicting with standard operating procedures. Hence ERP is either blamed or made to fail. When the user says he wants flexibility in ERP, actually he wants the official allowance to deviate from standards set for value generation. The repercussions of such flexibility are tremendous, including the loss of value.

For example, here goes a typical style of customer negotiations. The sales people of a manufacturing company arbitrarily fixed unit price and raised sales orders against customers. After physical material dispatches, suddenly the customer started negotiating with sales and the rates were changed. The sales person then wanted to pass these entries in ERP. No good system will support such incongruous requirements. Here, the user wants flexibility in addressing these issues from ERP and also expected that everything should happen automatically. To settle and account for such changes, one has to pass a number of reverse entries in ERP.

Unfortunately, some consulting companies charge extra from clients for automating such absurd provisions. The same thing happened with the above company also and they landed up with 'auto reverse entry module' supporting the existing system. More ironically, this feature of ERP soon became so popular that the company asked a similar module for purchase transactions. The ultimate chaos is always observed in finance and costing modules where multiple figures of profits, inventory values, sales income, taxes, etc. linked to the same transaction are found. Nobody could really gather any meaningful information from such sets of data over a period of time. At the end the user gets flexibility and the organization gets punishment.

There are also some cases where flexibility going to the extent of unethical business practices and in such cases illegal transactions can also be carried out.

Here is one peculiar requirement that once observed from a user. He asked for various options of selecting report sizes (A3 or A4) to use with different printers for printing the same reports. ERP was expected to be flexible enough to accommodate multiple report sizes based on printer selection. The same user never used in his earlier tenure any computerized output and did not even know how to load paper into printer.

The major flexibility expected by Indian ERP users can be summarized as "I want to do transactions any way, later on it should get corrected." Hence we find demand of provisional entries, temporary databases, notional requirements, etc. The fundamental principle of ERP is doing right things right at first time is not understood and deviations are expected to be regularized. We find many of such cases, ultimately making ERP as unused ornament lying in the bank locker.

Web site :

Middle East


eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

How ERP systems improve company's business performance?

How ERP systems improve company's business performance? 

Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) solution enables the task involved in performing a business process quickly and efficiently.

With ERP, when a customer service representative takes an order from a customer, he or she has all the necessary information to complete the order. Everyone else in the company sees the same computer screen and has access to the single database that holds the customer's new order. As and when a department completes their work with the order, it is automatically routed via the ERP system to the next department for the next process.

The order can be tracked any time of point by any department by logging into the system. The order process moves so quickly through the organization, and customers get their orders faster and with fewer errors than before. ERP can extent that application to the other major business process, such as employees' benefits or financial reporting.

The entire gamut of ERP activities are summarized below:

ERP facilitates a company-wide integrated Information Systems covering all functional areas such as manufacturing, sales and distribution, accounts, payables, receivables, inventory, human resources. Etc.
ERP integrates and automates most business processes and share information enterprise-wide in real-time, thereby improving customer service and the corporate image.
ERP provides complete integration of the system not only across departments but also across companies under the same management.
ERP bridges information gaps across a company and focuses on key issues such as productivity enhancement, customer service, cash management, inventory, quality control and prompt delivery. Etc.
ERP is the solution for better project management.
ERP provides business intelligence tools like decision support system, executive information system, reporting, data-mining, early-warning system, enabling people to make better decisions and improve business processes.
ERP not only addresses the current requirements of the company but also provides an opportunity for improvement and refinement in the business process on a continuous process.

Web site :

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

How ERP systems improve company's business performance?

How ERP systems improve company's business performance?
Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) solution enables the task involved in performing a business process quickly and efficiently.

With ERP, when a customer service representative takes an order from a customer, he or she has all the necessary information to complete the order. Everyone else in the company sees the same computer screen and has access to the single database that holds the customer's new order. As and when a department completes their work with the order, it is automatically routed via the ERP system to the next department for the next process.

The order can be tracked any time of point by any department by logging into the system. The order process moves so quickly through the organization, and customers get their orders faster and with fewer errors than before. ERP can extent that application to the other major business process, such as employees' benefits or financial reporting.

The entire gamut of ERP activities are summarized below:

ERP facilitates a company-wide integrated Information Systems covering all functional areas such as manufacturing, sales and distribution, accounts, payables, receivables, inventory, human resources. Etc.
ERP integrates and automates most business processes and share information enterprise-wide in real-time, thereby improving customer service and the corporate image.
ERP provides complete integration of the system not only across departments but also across companies under the same management.
ERP bridges information gaps across a company and focuses on key issues such as productivity enhancement, customer service, cash management, inventory, quality control and prompt delivery. Etc.
ERP is the solution for better project management.
ERP provides business intelligence tools like decision support system, executive information system, reporting, data-mining, early-warning system, enabling people to make better decisions and improve business processes.
ERP not only addresses the current requirements of the company but also provides an opportunity for improvement and refinement in the business process on a continuous process.

Web site :

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775

How BPR plays a critical role in ERP implementation?

How BPR plays a critical role in ERP implementation?

Processes, organization, structure and information technologies are the key components of BPR, which automates business processes across the enterprise and provides an organization with a well-designed and well-managed information system. While implementing ERP, the organizations have two options to consider.
Either the organization must re engineer business processes before implementing ERP or directly implement ERP and avoid re engineering.
In the first option of re engineering business processes, before implementing ERP, the organization needs to analyze current processes, identify non-value adding activities and redesign the process to create value for the customer, and then develop in-house applications or modify an ERP system package to suit the organizations requirements. In this case, employees will develop a good sense of process orientation and ownership.
This would also be a customized solution keeping with line of the organization's structure, culture, existing IT resources, employee needs and disruption to routine work during the change programmer likely to be the least. It could have a high probability of implementation. The drawback of this option is that the reengineered process may not be the best in the class, as the organization may not have access to world-class release and best practices. Moreover, this may be the only chance to radically improve in the near future and most attention should be paid while choosing the right ERP. Also, developing an in-house application or implementing a modified ERP is not advisable.
The second option of implementing ERP package is to adopt ERP with minimum deviation from the standard settings. All the processes in a company should conform to the ERP model and the organization has to change its current work practices and switch over to what the ERP system offers. This approach of implementation offers a world-class efficient and effective process with built-in measures and controls, and is likely to be quickly installed.
But if the employees do not have good understanding of their internal customer needs or current processes, or if these processes are not well defined and documented, then it is quite possible that while selecting the standard process from the ERP package, employees may not be able to perceive the difficulties likely to be encountered during the implementation stage. Employees would lack process ownership and orientation. Other than technical issues, issues like organization structure, culture, lack of involvement of people etc. can lead to major implementation difficulties, and full benefits of standard ERP package may not be achieved. It may lead to a situation where the organization may have to again re engineer its processes. This could be a very costly mistake.
There is also a third option of re engineering business process during implementation of ERP. But it does not considered to be a practical option and is likely to cause maximum disruption to existing work. It should not be forgotten that during BPR and ERP initiatives, routine work is still to be carried out and customers need to be served.

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

How BPR plays a critical role in ERP implementation?

How BPR plays a critical role in ERP implementation?
Processes, organization, structure and information technologies are the key components of BPR, which automates business processes across the enterprise and provides an organization with a well-designed and well-managed information system. While implementing ERP, the organizations have two options to consider.

Either the organization must re engineer business processes before implementing ERP or directly implement ERP and avoid re engineering.

In the first option of re engineering business processes, before implementing ERP, the organization needs to analyze current processes, identify non-value adding activities and redesign the process to create value for the customer, and then develop in-house applications or modify an ERP system package to suit the organizations requirements. In this case, employees will develop a good sense of process orientation and ownership.

This would also be a customized solution keeping with line of the organization's structure, culture, existing IT resources, employee needs and disruption to routine work during the change programmer likely to be the least. It could have a high probability of implementation. The drawback of this option is that the reengineered process may not be the best in the class, as the organization may not have access to world-class release and best practices. Moreover, this may be the only chance to radically improve in the near future and most attention should be paid while choosing the right ERP. Also, developing an in-house application or implementing a modified ERP is not advisable.

The second option of implementing ERP package is to adopt ERP with minimum deviation from the standard settings. All the processes in a company should conform to the ERP model and the organization has to change its current work practices and switch over to what the ERP system offers. This approach of implementation offers a world-class efficient and effective process with built-in measures and controls, and is likely to be quickly installed.

But if the employees do not have good understanding of their internal customer needs or current processes, or if these processes are not well defined and documented, then it is quite possible that while selecting the standard process from the ERP package, employees may not be able to perceive the difficulties likely to be encountered during the implementation stage. Employees would lack process ownership and orientation. Other than technical issues, issues like organization structure, culture, lack of involvement of people etc. can lead to major implementation difficulties, and full benefits of standard ERP package may not be achieved. It may lead to a situation where the organization may have to again re-engineer its processes. This could be a very costly mistake.

There is also a third option of re engineering business process during implementation of ERP. But it does not considered to be a practical option and is likely to cause maximum disruption to existing work. It should not be forgotten that during BPR and ERP initiatives, routine work is still to be carried out and customers need to be served

Web site :

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

What is the difference between MRP software and MRP module of ERP?

What is the difference between MRP software and MRP module of ERP?

Material Requirement Planning, popularly known as MRP, was developed during 1960s. This was a proactive manner of inventory management. This technique fundamentally explodes the end product demand obtained from the 'Master Production Schedule' (MPS) for a specified product structure (which is taken from Bill of Material) into a detailed schedule of purchase order or production orders, taking into account the inventory on hand.

MRP is a simple logic but the magnitude of data involved in a realistic situation makes it computationally cumbersome. If undertaken manually, the entire process is highly time consuming. It therefore becomes essential to use a computer to carry out the exercise.

MRP successfully demonstrated its effectiveness in reduction of inventory; production and delivery lead times by improving coordination and avoiding delays, thus making commitment more realistic. MRP proved to be a very good technique for managing inventory, but it did not take into account of other resources of an organization. Due to this shortcoming a modified MRP logic, popularly known as 'closed loop MRP' has been developed. A new module called Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP) has been incorporated in this. This module manages the capacity of the organization to produce a particular product. A feedback loop is provided from the CRP module to MPS if there is not enough capacity available to produce.

Later the need was felt to integrate the financial resource with the manufacturing activities. From this evolved an integrated manufacturing management system called Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II).

Transition from MRP II to ERP happened some time later because the basic MRP II system design was suffering from a few inherent drawbacks such as limited focus to manufacturing activities, assumption of the mass or repetitive production set ups, and poor budgetary and costing controls.

The shortcomings o MRP-II and the need to integrate these new techniques, led to the development of a total integrated solution called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), which attempts to integrate the transactions of suppliers and customers with the manufacturing and service environment of the organization to produce the best possible plan. Today there are further development in the ERP concept and evolution of Web-enabled ERP

Web site :

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

How quickly can our business benefit from eresource ERP?

How quickly can our business benefit from eresource ERP?

We are sure that the impact of implementation of eresource ERP would be visible in your business within a short period. One of our objectives is to provide the Indians SMEs with a home-grown ERP solution which they could afford and bring the desired benefit in their business quickly. eresource ERP software has been designed and developed accordingly.

The added feature of eresource ERP is its quick implementation process. It is race against time and money for many of Indian SMEs and by fully understanding this situation, eresource ERP has introduced our Guaranteed On-Time Implementation offer.

Eresource offers a full refund for any implementation fees where the agreed-upon ERP go live date is delayed, provided the customer meets all defined milestone deliverable on time. Eresource is the only ERP solution provider that has earned extremely high marks from all their existing customers for its customer support.
Web site :

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

Why should I choose eresource for my ERP solution?

Why should I choose eresource for my ERP solution?

The five main reasons to choose eresource ERP solution are:OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY:
Automates all business and functional processes thereby increasing overall operational efficiency.

eresource ERP solution help in enhancing internal business processes and enables organizations to improve customer satisfaction.

Our web-based ERP solution enables easy accessibility and availability of timely information, which results in better decision making and forecasting.

eresource ERP packages have a flexible and scalable structure thereby enabling organizations to adapt and cater to future business expansions and requirements.

eresource ERP for Small and Medium Enterprises is affordable, quick to implement thus enabling the SMEs to focus on growth and improvement of their business rather than worrying about software.

And over and above, eresource Infotech work with you jointly to deliver the most favorable ERP solution for your organization, to help you further maximize your return on the investment.\

Web site :

Middle East

eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

ERP Implementation Methodology Part II

ERP Implementation Methodology Part II

Why, when and how?

Of many reasons to implement an ERP solution, the chief reason is the need for a common IT platform. Other reasons include a desire for process improvement, data visibility, operating cost reductions, increased responsiveness to customers and improvement in strategic decision-making.

ERP is certainly action as an impetus for the replacement for a mix of aging legacy system with a common platform. This reputation of legacy system with a common platform had become imperative for a number of reasons. Mainly because mix of aging legacy systems had led to high cost support, and the firms expected business benefits such as process improvements and data visibility to result in cost reductions.

Implementation methodology

Assuming a decision on an ERP has been taken, the implementation normally consists of five stages:

Continuous improvement

The structured implementation programme can speed system deployment and return on investment. This can be done in the following manner:

Conducting an effective gap assessment
Business and technical processes
Organizational measures
Data conversion and data clean-up
Agreeing on the implementation boundaries
Project sponsorship and governance The implementation strategy is ultimately built on a foundation of people, processes and product

Web site :

Middle East
eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

ERP Implementation Methodology Part I

ERP Implementation Methodology Part I 

Eresource Infotech promises ON-TIME implementation of ERP. Our "Go Live On Time" program guarantees the customers on-time implementation of integrated ERP system at affordable cost.

Eresource offers a full refund for any implementation fees where the agreed-upon ERP go live date is delayed, provided the customer meets all defined milestone deliverable on time. Eresource is the only ERP solution provider that has earned extremely high marks from their existing all customers for its customer support.

The Go Live On Time is a simple demonstration of deliverable confidence in eresource.

Eresource eliminated the monitory risk by assuring that the ERP implementation will on time and at the price quoted, but this is provided the customer meets all their obligations and responsibilities. Eresource makes ERP economically viable.

Web site :

Middle East

eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

Why Indian ERP system best suited for Indian industries?

Why Indian ERP system best suited for Indian industries?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution software should address all the needs of an enterprise within the social context of the country in which the enterprise operates. This would imply that the local accounting practices, locally applicable taxation laws are fully adhered to in implementing the various business processes.

Many imported ERP software systems must incorporate India specific features before implementation as per the specifications of its client, where as an Indian ERP solution has already been programmed to take care of the national industry's interest.

Another feature of an India-made ERP like eresource ERP software system is its design. It has been designed to cater the need of the Indian users with fully knowing their working environment and requirements.

Industries also consider easy accessibility to their solution providers while choosing the right ERP for their enterprises. It also to be noted that eresource Infotech serves all our customers equally, unlike some overseas vendors who have a strategy to serve only large clients.

Cost factor also stands as one of the reasons why Indian ERP solution is best suited for Indian industries. Many a time the huge cost involved in it scares away industries from implementing ERP solution, depriving the benefits the system could offer. To overcome this precarious scenario, eresource ERP has introduced an affordable ERP, keeping in mind the Indian industries, specially the small and medium scale enterprises.

Web site :

Middle East

eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):

Being a student, I would like to know more about Benefits of ERP

Here is a quick look at the ERP Benefits

To say in short, ERP systems integrate all business management functions, including planning, inventory/materials management, engineering, order processing, manufacturing, purchasing, accounting and finance, human resources, and more.

ERP software programs are being developed and updated all the time. There are different types of ERP software brands available in the market, but companies must choose the right ERP system to suit their needs. India's leading web-based ERP solution provider eresource ERP even offer mobile capabilities so that you can always have a finger on the pulse of your business activities.

The biggest advantage of an ERP system is with its real time capabilities and the ability to see what is going on with your company as it happens. It is handy when you deal with high volume of business process. With an ERP system, your company will never have inventory shortages or wasted time spent transferring files.

An ERP system provides the solid operational backbone. The system enables the Manufacturers and distributors to function promptly, which will able to improve the volume of production and fulfillment of orders while reducing costs. By optimizing manufacturing and distribution operations with ERP, the companies are also be able to focus on new business opportunities.

Here is a quick look at the benefits the ERP system has to offer:

Streamlining processes and workflows with a single integrated system.
Reduce redundant data entry and processes and in other hand it shares informartioin across the department.
Establish uniform processes that are based on recognized best business practices
Improved workflow and efficiency
Improved customer satisfaction based on improved on-time delivery, increased quality, shortened delivery times
Reduced inventory costs resulting from better planning, tracking and forecasting of requirements
Turn collections faster based on better visibility into accounts and fewer billing and/or delivery errors
Decrease in vendor pricing by taking better advantage of quantity breaks and tracking vendor performance
Track actual costs of activities and perform activity based costing
Provide a consolidated picture of sales, inventory and receivables

Web site :

Middle East

eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO
Mob: 00 97155 9018499

TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
+91 22 25828775
e-mail (Sales):