Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What makes eresource ERP different?

eresource offers web-based Enterprise Resource Planning software for all major industries including Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Construction, and Modular Kitchen etc. Our ERP system is available on a filtered modules basis, so that you only purchase and maintain what you really need. We have categorized it in three phases starting eresource ERP Light, eresource ERP Pro and eresource ERP Enterprise. All these categories are developed with taking into consideration of all needs of the users.

eresource ERP manufacturing modules help manage and monitor work in process on the factory floor. We provide a comprehensive collection of plant maintenance modules which takes care of all plant maintenance with utmost efficiency.

eresource ERP system software is designed to improve productivity and operational excellence. Organizations that implement eresource ERP software could benefit from checking the cycle-time, which is the total time to produce an order, as an important key performance indicator.

By implementing eresource ERP system, organizations could also enjoy the benefits of Greater visibility and control; Reduced lead time; Reduced manufacturing costs: Increased production; Reduced work in process; Reduced inventory; Improved product quality ; Reduced defects and scrap; Reduced cycle time; Improved tractability and Reduced paper work, data entry, manpower.

What is unique about web-enabled eresource ERP system is that it addresses the integration of business process that extends across the enterprise and its trading partners. Our ERP system forms the basis of Internet enabled eBusiness and collaborative commerce.

Prime advantage of web-enabled eresource ERP is to give customers and partners access to scheduling, delivery, inventory, manufacturing, invoicing and planning information. Over the last few years, solutions like CRM and SCM have leveraged the Internet to support these processes. eresource ERP system incorporates them all in a single package. To compete with challenging business world companies needs to be open in its business approach and must reach out to its collaborative partners. Our ERP system will enable businesses to compete by providing information on-line and adding real value to businesses of all types and sizes.

To be success in business companies need information to be more readily accessible. They must also have the real-time access to their business information to manage timely decision making without having to get out of their seats. eresource ERP system helps the decision makers to manage the business with a click of their mouse's button. Top management personnel could monitor key business information real-time and that could help track the health of their business.

Having said about the eresource ERP advantages and its benefits, the actual result will be visible only if the ERP solution has been implemented and operated in a successful manner. The entire organization and its operational methods should bring under ERP system by delivering consistent, measurable processes and up-to-the-second information that supports profitable decision-making. eresource could boost the power of ERP by offering 24x7 accesses to business information and business intelligence irrespective of the geographical location of the user, enabling him or her to make timely decisions.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. 
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775 
e -mail(Sales): (

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

eresource Xcel ERP helps manufacturing industry overcome business challenges

Normally what makes ERP implementation more complex is its budget and schedule slippage. A survey conducted shows almost 50 per cent ERP projects that have implemented during the last few years had run over budget and deadline. Therefore, misappropriate schedule or delayed implementation can result in over-budgeting.
Therefore, being late and over budget, a common aspect of ERP implementations can be avoided with a well-designed prior planning and common sense. An ERP implementation must planned intelligently because an ERP is not just a technical initiative. The project is also a financial, structural, strategic, process and have people-centric implications within an organization. When the plan to implement an ERP system in an organization, a matter also to be considered is how much major changes will be taken affect in the organization with the implementation process. Therefore it is imperative to select a right ERP system which will make the whole business process easy and quick with a foolproof operating process. Successful adoption of the new system will only be assured once employees are able to use the system proficiently. Only professional training can guarantee that. This is where the role of eresource Xcel ERP, an exclusive ERP system for Manufacturing Industry comes into picture.
Sometime organizations are tempted go for a big hit with implementing high-cost big players in the ERP market. Practically speaking, it is a common mistake to buy a large-scale ERP product because its name makes you feel 'safe' and then try to make it fit your requirements. It is important to have a better analyze of your requirements before deciding your final choice.
As far as manufacturing firms are concerned they need to address several key strategic issues if they want to successfully compete in this dynamically changing business environment. Global competitive pressures putting a strong pressure on manufacturers to reduce product cost and at the same time exerts pressure to significantly improve product quality and all other aspects of customer services.
Overall, presently when every business process operations are transforming into digitalization, only manufacturing industry can't remain a mute spectator to this changing scenario. For the last one decade, eresource is serving manufacturing industry achieve tremendous growth in their business process with an efficient ERP system. However, introduction of an eresource Xcel, an exclusive ERP system for manufacturing industry has its own reasons.
In today's changing business environment, focusing on ERP as a tool to improve operations will no longer suffice. It is here that eresource Xcel comes to help with redefining the digital backbone of manufacturing organizations who are keen to innovate and succeed in an volatile, uncertain and complex market. eresource Xcel ERP helps you achieve this and propel your company far beyond the competition, without burning a hole in your pocket.
eresource Xcel ERP enables you to get a 360-degree view of your business, anytime, from anywhere by putting all your business functions on to one single platform and automating and integrating them, end-to-end. With this unified view of business, you can drive innovation across the value chain, improve efficiency, and reduce costs and time to market. What's more, the entire system is accessible over the Internet, which gives you the freedom to access information from any part of the globe at the click of a browser button, whether from a laptop, or desktop or mobile phone.
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Innovation is a never-ending process with eresource ERP

eresource with its new innovations and industry-specific exclusive ERP system for every industrial verticals getting wide acceptance in the ERP market. Our Cloud ERP products are leading the way in providing a better user experience In terms of implementation and customization, As the mobile technology is being the buzzword, eresource is concentrating and deploying application that will easily compatible with various mobile operating system.
eresource on the path of providing powerful and easy-to-use mobile interface for its ERP application. Our efforts are to bring our ERP application to a fully mobile devices compatible which will allow users to complete actions using a mobile device.
For the mobile device usage, there is a strong need of improvement of the ERP user interface. Increased productivity and better user engagement are the main benefits for using a ERP application effectively. Reducing the processing time to minutes or seconds can bring lot of benefits to the business process. For service and support departments, that productivity improvement provides excellent benefits.
Fact is being that, there are still some organizations those are running on its legacy applications and are not interested in changing them immediately. it is essential for these organizations to begin by asking what their users want rather than forcing them to work on with the their old legacy system.
When you think of improving the ERP system or replacing the legacy system, there are many options available. Though the exercise may not be much easier, it is not difficult. Mapping out the current practice and steps staff use to accomplish work is an excellent starting point. With this process, companies can gather together software experts and the end users. The next step is to have the end users complete ten or twenty work tasks and narrate what they are doing. By understanding the workflow experience, IT managers and developers can identify ways to build a better ERP. Improvements may take the form of improved forms, eliminating steps or providing better integration with other departments.
A normal scenario in the ERP market is that many companies that are planning to implement or upgrade an ERP system is not guided properly. Not knowing which ERP system to choose, they end up selecting the wrong one which not only turns out be useless but also lot of money going into the doldrums.
eresource helps its customers with a thorough evaluation and selection process to identify the ERP modules that would best enable their future business requirements and corporate growth objectives. Eresource gather primary data to measure our whole system in general and modules in particular against your unique business and technical needs. We also identify the total cost of ownership to identify the right price for our customers. The result helps our customers to make a clear capital budgeting decision.
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What are the reasons for ERP system failure?

What are the reasons for ERP system failure?
ERP solutions are designed for a large audience of companies looking to achieve success by following a template of best business practices. However, the system often fails to achieve its promise because people who are supposed to be the main users of the systems reluctant to change their attitudes.

This leads to costly program modifications to replicate those processes. This, in turn, can result in unnecessary manual tasks and issues of software maintenance, which neutralize the original benefits of the software.

When making an ERP software selection, examine the processes encoded in the software. If you can agree to model your company's best practices based on those processes, you're choosing the right solution. If you can't, continue looking.

Once the ERP system is chosen, it's not uncommon for management to turn the project over to a subordinate to manage the implementation. The problem is that the subordinate, who is usually chosen from the end-user base or IT department, typically isn't given the authority to implement necessary business process changes.

Project management is a discipline, which requires the ability to delve into detail while keeping a perspective on the original business objectives. The project manager needs to have the ability to overcome impasses through a judicious combination of political guile and management direction.

The most successful ERP projects are led by a member of the management team who has actively participated in both the software selection and implementation efforts. When selecting your project manager, choose the one who has the most to gain from the ERP system.

Middle East
UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775
e -mail(Sales): (

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What is ERP Implementation Life Cycle?

What is ERP Implementation Life Cycle? 

THE process of ERP implementation is referred as d as "ERP Implementation Life Cycle". The following are the steps involved in completing the life cycle.

Shortlist on the basis of observation
Assessing the chosen packages
Preparing for the venture
Gap Analysis
Business process reengineering
Designing the System
In-house Guidance
Preparing the employees to use ERP
Post Implementation process
Rectifying errors in ERP implementation

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775
e -mail(Sales): (

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What is data mining?

What is data mining?

Powerful systems for collecting data and managing it in large databases are already in place in most large and medium-scale companies. However, the bottleneck of turning this data into your success is the difficulty of extracting knowledge about the system that you study from the collected data.

Below are all the questions that can probably be answered if information hidden among megabytes of data in your database can be found explicitly and utilized.

What goods should be promoted to this customer?
What is the probability that a certain customer will respond to a planned promotion?
Can one predict the most profitable securities to buy/sell during the next trading session?
Will this customer default on a loan or payback on schedule?
What medical diagnosis should be assigned to a particular patient?
How large are the peak loads of a telephone or energy network going to be?
Why does the facility suddenly start to produce defective goods?

Modeling the investigated system and discovering relations that connect variables in a database are the subjects of data mining.

Modern data mining system self learn from the previous history of the investigated system, formulating and testing hypotheses about the rules, which this system obeys. When concise and valuable knowledge about the system of interest had been discovered, it can and should be incorporated into some decision support system, which helps the manager to make wise and informed business decisions.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775
e -mail(Sales): (
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What is Difference Between E-commerce and E-Business?

What is Difference Between E-commerce and E-Business?

E-commerce is buying and selling using an electronic medium. It is accepting credit and payments over the net, doing banking transactions using the Internet, selling commodities or information using the World Wide Web and so on.

E-Business in addition to encompassing E-commerce includes both front and back-office applications that form the engine for modern E-commerce. E-business is not just about E-commerce transactions; it's about re-defining old business models, with the aid of technology to maximize customer value. E-Business is the overall strategy and E-commerce is an extremely important facet of E-Business.

Thus e-business involves not merely setting up the company website and being able to accept credit card payments or being able to sell products or services on time. It involves fundamental re-structuring and streamlining of the business using technology by implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, supply chain management, customer relationship management, data ware housing, data marts, data mining, etc.

Middle East

UAE eresource Middle East FZE, P.O Box: 513071, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Contact Person: Sudheer Soman Nair, CEO Mob: 00 97155 9018499 email: (

TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6 Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,

Maharashtra Tel: +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines) +91 22 25828775

e -mail(Sales): (

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